TIDE and Tibbo BASIC User Manual
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
The number (hopefully) displayed is the MAC address of your target. If you select
it and click Buzz, you should see the LED pattern on your target switch off
momentarily. This means it is correctly detected.
If you see nothing in this dialog, it means your target isn't in
communication with the computer. This is probably a power problem,
or a networking problem. Perhaps you have a local firewall on the
computer which blocks UDP broadcasts, such as the Windows XP
Firewall. To fix this, disable the firewall or configure it to open a
specific port.
Once you have located your target, click Select. You will be returned to the
previous dialog, and the MAC address for your target will appear under Target
You have now specified all of the required settings for a new project. Click OK and
Writing Code
Once you have started your new project, you will be presented with a blank file
We will now begin writing the actual code in this file. We will construct this project
from beginning to end, step by step. For your convenience, the end of this section
contains a complete copy of the project without comments. You can copy and
paste the whole thing into TIDE, or just copy and paste the commented sections
one by one as they appear below.
Here goes: