Programming with TIDE
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
template, all files from the template folder are copied to your project folder, and
the name of the project filename (the .tpr file) is changed according to your own
project name.
Creating New Templates
It is also possible to create new templates for any platform. This is done by
creating a template folder and populating it with files. You would then have to
modify the platform file (.p file -- for example, em202.p) so that it would point to
this template. This file lists the available template files for this platform, along with
their paths (relative to the platform file).
For example:
name=Simple Project
description=Simple project template
The definition above would specify a template project called Simple Project, whose
path would be em202\simple\simple.tpr. Remember -- the folder and files for this
project would not be automatically created.
Adding, Removing and Saving Files
Files tab
You can see what files are included in your project at any given time using the
Files tab of the
. It looks like this:
Adding New Files to Your Project
To add new files to your project, click Project > Add File or click the Add
button on the Project Toolbar.
You will be presented with the following dialog: