3 • System Setup
Doc. 065447-02 12/14
default option (
Create a new instrument
Create a new timebase
) and
The Chromeleon USB Auto Configuration Wizard appears. If you are
installing more than one device, leave the wizard open and wait for
Windows to complete the driver installation for all devices. Then, go on to
to configure the system in Chromeleon.
Windows XP launches the Found New Hardware Wizard. Complete the
wizard by selecting the following options:
If asked whether Windows can connect to Windows Update to
search for software, select
No, not this time
Accept the default option (
Install the software automatically
and click
Next >
When the hardware wizard reports that the software for the first
device has been installed, click
The USB Auto Configuration Wizard appears. If you are installing more
than one device, leave the wizard open and complete the Found New
Hardware Wizard for the other devices. After completing the driver
installation for all devices, go to
to configure the modules.
Configuring the Modules in Chromeleon
The Chromeleon USB Auto Configuration Wizard appears automatically
when a USB device that is not assigned to a Chromeleon 7 instrument or a
Chromeleon 6.8 timebase is powered up. You can use the wizard to create a
new instrument or timebase for your Dionex ICS-5000
If you prefer, click
to close the wizard, and then manually create an
instrument or timebase.
For instructions on how to manually create an instrument in
Chromeleon 7, refer to the Chromeleon 7 Help or to
Chromeleon 7
Installation Guide.
For instructions on how to manually create a timebase in Chromeleon
6.8, refer to the Chromeleon 6.8 Help or to
Installing Chromeleon
with a Dionex Ion Chromatograph
(Document No. 031883).
The software installation manuals are provided on the Thermo Scientific
Reference Library DVD (P/N 053891).