Section I – CD AutoPlus Maintenance
CD14 Tester & CD AutoPlus Autosampler User Guide—75-108-800 Rev. B—31 May 2021
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EAR99 technology subject to restrictions on cover page.
Sample Order
Due to variation over time on many UV/Vis spectrophotometers,
it is recommended to run the samples in the following order:
Line 1, blank sample 1
Line 1, blank sample 2
Line 1, blank sample 3
Line 2, blank sample 1
Line 2, blank sample 2
continue through
Line 8, blank sample 3
Line 1, absorbing sample 1
continue through
Line 8, absorbing sample 3
Sufficient Rinse Volume
When the absorbance values of the samples are obtained, it
must be determined whether or not the rinse volume is sufficient.
To do this, use the two following calculations.
For absorbing solutions:
Absorbing solution absorbance values must not be less than
0.99 x (first absorbing solution for the line).
For blanks:
Blank value must not be more than 0.01 x (first absorbing
solution for the line) + (first blank sample for the line).