Service Manual
FRU Disassembly/Assembly
Enabling TCP/IP with the downloadable authorization code
When the Ethernet card is installed, the EtherTalk and Novell protocols are
immediately active. The Ethernet card’s TCP/IP protocol must be activated by a
downloadable authorization code, sometimes referred to as its software key. The
authorization code is printed on a certificate included with the printer (if the
option was factory installed) or with the field upgrade kit. The Network Utilities
for Phaser Color Printers User Manual explains how to activate the authorization
code and download it to the printer. Downloading the code depends on the
available computers and cables as explained in the network user manual.
Each Ethernet card requires a unique authorization code to activate its TCP/IP
protocol. The authorization code is based on the printer’s Ethernet address and
is generated by a special computer program. A staff member of the Graphics
Supplies Order Desk can generate an authorization code for an Ethernet-capable
printer anytime once purchase of the TCP/IP option has been confirmed, even
long after the Ethernet card was installed.