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– Unscrew the knurled nut and push out the support bracket
– The retaining tabs -2- are unlocked by pressing on the spindle
of the extractor and by turning -arrow- the knurled wheel -4-.
– Push the extractor out of the socket housing -3-.
The retaining springs of the socket are pressed apart by inserting
the extractor and the holding torque is reduced.
– Carefully press together again the retaining springs of the
socket -arrow-, in order to increase the holding torque.
– Slacken the tensioning sleeve of the socket -1- out of the catch
peg -2-, tilt out the tensioning sleeve -arrow- and remove it.
– Insert the tensioning sleeve of the socket into the centre con‐
sole until it clicks audibly into place.
– Place the connector onto the socket.
– Insert power socket into the tensioning sleeve up to the stop.
– Check the cigarette lighter for proper function (after the pre‐
heating process, it remains in the removal position and is not
hurled into the vehicle interior).
Removing and installing luggage com‐
partment 12 V socket - Octavia Combi
– Remove right side trim panel in luggage compartment ⇒ Body
Work; Rep. gr. 70 .
– Disconnect electrical plug connection -1-.
– Unscrew nut -5-.
– Pull power socket -2- with socket -3- out of the trim panel -4-.
The installation occurs in reverse order.
Octavia II 2004 ➤ , Octavia II 2010 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 12.2013
Rep. gr.96 - Lights, bulbs, switches - interior