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– Release screws -1- and -3- (0.7 Nm).
– Slacken the upper exterior mirror cover -2- from the catches
-arrows- and remove the cover towards the top
-movement arrows- from out of the mirror housing.
– Remove the socket with the light bulb -2- from the door entry
– Release screws -arrows- (0.8 Nm) and unhook the lower mir‐
ror housing cover -1- to the bottom.
– Screw out screws -4- (0.5 Nm) and slacken the side turn signal
-5- out of the lower cover.
– Disconnect plug connection -1-.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing,
observe the following:
– Perform a functional test (illumination, mirror adjustment).
Octavia II 2004 ➤ , Octavia II 2010 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 12.2013
3. Side turn signal lights