Office: Vlarska 22, 627 00 Brno, CZ
T:+420 533 338 854 l F:+420 533 338 883 l
Current/Total/Max Agents: View-only field.
Current: This shows the number of currently registered communities.
Total: This shows the number of total registered community users.
Max Agents: This shows the number of maximum number available for registration.
The default maximum number is 10.
Account State: Enable or disable this Community Account.
Community: Specify the authorized SNMP community name, up to 20 alphanumeric
Description: Enter a unique description for this community name, up to 35 alphanumeric
characters. This is mainly for reference only.
IP Security: Click the pull-down menu to enable or disable the IP security function.
If enabled, Community may access the Managed Switch only through the management
station, which has the exact IP address specified in IP address field below.
If disabled, Community can access the Managed Switch through any management stations.
IP Address: Specify the IP address used for IP Security function.
SNMP Level: Click the pull-down menu
to select the desired privilege for the SNMP
NOTE: When the community browses the Managed Switch without proper access right,
the Managed Switch will respond nothing. For example, if a community only has Read &
Write privilege, then it cannot browse the Managed Switch’s user table.