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Channel Limit: View-only field that shows the maximum limit of each port’s multicast
Enable: View-only field that shows each port’s IGMP filter is turned on or off.
Select the current IPMC Profile and click Edit to view and edit the ability setting. Then, the
following screen page appears.
Channel Limit: Specify the maximum transport multicast stream.
Enable: To enable each port’s IGMP filtering function. The default setting is “Off” which is
Port: View-only field that shows the port number that is currently configured.
IPMC Profile: In IGMP filtering, it only allows information specified in IPMC Profile fields to
pass-through. (The field for IPMC Profile name is from the entry registered in IPMC Profile
4.4.12 Static Multicast Configuration
Select the option Static Multicast Configuration from the Switch Management menu and
then the following screen page appears.
IP Address: View-only field that shows the current source IP address of multicast stream.
VLAN: View-only field that shows the specified VLAN ID for current multicast stream.
Forwarding port: View-only field that shows the forwarding port for current multicast stream.