Office: Vlarska 22, 627 00 Brno, CZ
T:+420 533 338 854 l F:+420 533 338 883 l
SIP Filter: Select “Any”, “Host”, or “Network” for source IP filtering. If “Host” is
selected, you need to indicate a specific host IP address. If “Network” is selected, you
need to indicate both network address and subnet mask.
SIP Address: Specify a source IP address.
SIP Mask: Specify a source subnet mask.
DIP Filter: Select “Any”, “Host”, or “Network” for destination IP filtering. If “Host” is
selected, you need to indicate a specific host IP address. If “Network” is selected, you
need to indicate both network address and subnet mask.
DIP Address: Specify a destination IP address.
DIP Mask: Specify a destination subnet mask.
ICMP Parameters
ICMP Type Filter: This field is used to filter the ICMP type defined in the type field of
the ICMP header. Select “any” to filter any types. If “Specific” is selected, you need to
further specify an ICMP type value.
ICMP Type Value: Specify an ICMP type value.
ICMP Code Filter: This field is used to filter the ICMP code defined in the code field
of the ICMP header. Select “any” to filter any codes. If “Specific” is selected, you need
to further specify an ICMP code value.
ICMP Code Value: Specify an ICMP code value.
UDP Parameters
Source Port Filter: Select “Any” to filter frames from any source ports. If “Specific” is
selected, you need to further specify a source port number. If “Range” is selected,
you need to further specify a source port range.
Source Port NO.: Specify a source port number (0~65535).
Source Port Range: Specify a source port range (The source port number is from 0
to 65535).
Destination Port Filter: Select “Any” to filter frames to nay destination ports. If
“Specific” is selected, you need to further specify a destination port number. If
“Range” is selected, you need to further specify a destination port range.
Destination Port NO.: Specify a destination port number (0~65535).
Destination Port Range: Specify a destination port range (The source port number
is from 0 to 65535).