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134 MVR Group
Select the option MVR Group from the MVR Configuration menu and then the following
screen page appears.
VLAN: View-only field that shows the current MVR VLAN ID.
Group Range: View-only field that shows the MVR Group Range.
Click New to register a new MVR Group and then the following screen page appears.
Click Edit to edit and view the MVR Group settings.
Click Delete to remove a current MVR Group.
Current/Total/Max Group Nums: View-only field.
Current: This shows the number of current registered MVR Group.
Total: This shows the total number of registered MVR Groups.
Max: This shows the maximum number available for registering MVR Group.
VLAN ID: Specify a VLAN ID number that is registered in
MVR Settings
Group Range: Specify the multicasting channels that would belong to MVR VLAN.