Initial Configuration Tasks
7.1 Configuring System Parameters
Configuration Manual, 02/2018, C79000-G8976-C451-02
CLI Configuration
AppRF Visibility
Select one of the following options from the AppRF
visibility drop-down list.
App—Displays only inbuilt Deep Packet Inspection
(DPI) data.
WebCC—Displays the DPI data hosted on the
All—Displays both App and WebCC DPI data.
None—Does not display any AppRF content.
# dpi
URL Visibility
Select Enabled or Disabled from the URL visibility
drop-down list.
# url-visibility
Virtual Controller network
If the VC IP address is in the same subnet as the AP,
ensure that you select Custom from the Virtual Con-
troller network settings drop-down list and configure
the following details:
Virtual Controller Netmask—Enter subnet mask
Virtual Controller Gateway—Enter a gateway
Virtual Controller DNS—If the DNS IP address is
configured for a master AP, the DNS IP settings
are synchronized for all APs in an AP cluster.
If the DNS IP address is configured for an AP
as part of the per AP setting (Edit Access Point
> General), it takes precedence over the VC
DNS IP address defined in the System > Gen-
eral window.
If the APs are not explicitly assigned a DNS IP
address, the DNS IP address defined in Sys-
tem > General takes precedence.
If the DNS IP address is not defined for APs or
VC, the DNS address dynamically assigned
from the DHCP server is used.
Virtual Controller VLAN—Ensure that the VLAN
defined for the VC is not the same as the native
VLAN of the AP.
VC VLAN, gateway, and subnet mask details.
# virtual- controller-dnsip
# virtual- controller-vlan
<vcvlan> <vcmask>
Auto join mode
The Auto-Join feature allows APs to automatically
discover the VC and join the network. The Auto-Join
feature is enabled by default. If the Auto-Join feature
is disabled, a link is displayed in the Access Points
tab indicating that there are new APs discovered in
the network. Click this link if you want to add these
APs to the network.
When Auto-Join feature is disabled, the inactive APs
are displayed in red.
To disable auto-join mode:
# no allow-new-aps
To enable auto-join mode:
# allow-new-aps
Terminal access
When terminal access is enabled, you can access the
AP CLI through SSH.
The terminal access is enabled by default
# terminal-access