Hotspot Profiles
33.2 Configuring Hotspot Profiles
Configuration Manual, 02/2018, C79000-G8976-C451-02
(scalance)(connection-capabilities <name>)# udp-voip
(scalance)(connection-capabilities <name>)# enable
(scalance)(connection-capabilities <name>)# end
(scalance)# commit apply
Configuring an Operating-Class Profile
You can configure an operating-class profile to list the channels on which the hotspot is
capable of operating. To configure an H2QP operating-class profile:
(scalance)(config) # hotspot h2qp-oper-class-profile <name>
(scalance)(operator-class <name>)# op-class <class-ID>
(scalance)(operator-class <name>)# enable
(scalance)(operator-class <name>)# end
(scalance)# commit apply
Configuring a WAN Metrics Profile
You can configure a WAN metrics profile to define information about access network
characteristics such as link status and metrics.
To configure a WAN metrics profile:
(scalance)(config)# hotspot h2qp-wan-metrics-profile <name>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# at-capacity
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# downlink-load <load>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# downlink-speed <speed>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# load-duration <duration>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# symm-link
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# uplink-load <load>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# uplink-speed <speed>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# wan-metrics-link-status <status>
(scalance)(WAN-metrics <name>)# end
(scalance)# commit apply
You can specify the following WAN downlink and uplink parameters:
Downlink load—Indicates the percentage of the WAN downlink currently utilized. The
default value of 0 indicates that the downlink speed is unknown or unspecified.
Downlink speed—Indicates the WAN downlink speed in Kbps.
Uplink load—Indicates the percentage of the WAN uplink currently utilized. The default
value of 0 indicates that the downlink speed is unknown or unspecified.
Uplink speed—Indicates the WAN uplink speed in Kbps.