Siemens AG 1996 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 430–0BH02–1AA0
Structure and requesting diagnostics
The diagnostics are loaded and transferred with the following instructions:
L KY (station number), (code) Station number 3 to 124
Code: 0 to 7
T PW 252 After that, the station diagnostics are transferred to the diagnostics
Eight words in each slave station are reserved for station status, device–orien-
ted (station diagnostics) and ID–oriented diagnostics (module diagnostics).
Code Diagnostics address Diagnostics a 1
Station status 1 Station status 2
Station status 3 Master address
Manufacturer ID
Header Device–oriented diagnostics
(station diagnostics)
Header ID–oriented diagnostics
(module diagnostics)
Unused Unused
Unused Unused
Unused Unused
((S. 3–18))
Requesting station status and evaluating Code = 0 and Code = 1
The bytes ”station status 1 to 3” provide information about the station. The
byte ”master address” contains the address of the master station that the slave
station has parameterized.
Load diagnostics for Code 0 (n=station number)
and transfer the diagnostics words
Load the comparison word
Read the diagnostics word
If the diagnostics word is not equal to the comparison value
evaluate fault in FBx
Load diagnostics for Code 1 (n = station number)
and transfer the diagnostics word
Read and evaluate the diagnostics word
Code = 0 Station status 1 Station status 2
((Bild links))