ACUSON Cypress™ Operator’s Manual
Help Desk Phone Number 11-1
Hide System Clock 3-4
High Pass Filter 5-11
Displayed with System Data 5-11
HWL (Volume)
Cypress Hard Drive 4-4
MO Cypress Format 4-4
MO DICOM Format 4-4
MO Disk 4-4
Patient 4-4
Immediate Post (Impost) 8-8
Immunity 10-23
Impost 8-7
IMT 7-20
IMT Calculations Package 7-18
IMT Formulas 7-20
IMT Mean Distance 7-20
IMT Options 7-17
IMT References 7-20
IMT Standard Deviation 7-20
Infection Control 10-11, 10-18
Infection Control References 10-13
Institution Name 3-4
Intermittent Imaging Mode 5-25, 5-26
Internal Carotid/ Common Carotid Ratio (IC/
Intima-Media Thickness (see IMT) 7-17
Intraoperative Cardiac Studies 10-4
Invert 5-11
Compression 9-19
Lossless 9-19
Lossy 9-19
Quality 9-19
(External) Connector 1-11
Connecting External A-10
Overview Drawing 2-2
Labeling Icons on Cypress System 10-23
Changing 8-19, 8-20
Loops 8-21
Turning Off 8-21
Viewing 8-20
Language, displayed on screen 3-7
Lateral Gain
LAX 8-7
Left-Right Invert
Lock Studies Option 3-10
Logging Off 1-6
Logging On 1-5
Long Axis Parasternal (LAX) 8-8
Loops 5-14
Adding to a Study 4-18
Deleting 8-19, 8-20
Labeling 8-21
Length Bar 8-23
Repeats 3-4
Saving 8-21
Viewing in Quad Display 8-19
Viewing Saved Loops 5-6
Low Storage Warning 11-5
LV Mass
Cardiac 2D Formula 6-16
Cardiac M-Mode Formula 6-19
LV Mass Index
Cardiac 2D Formula 6-16
Cardiac M-Mode Formula 6-19
LV Volume, Biplane
LV Volume, Single Plane
Magneto Optical (MO) Disk 1-10
Magnifying an image 5-23
Main Knob 2-2, 2-5