Reference Manual
SICK AG • Advanced Industrial Sensors • • All rights reserved
Single Blob Analysis
This tool counts all connected pixels with gray values between a lower and an upper
threshold beginning at a defined starting point in the image. It is possible to mark all found
pixels with a color. Return values are the total number of found pixels and the centroid
coordinates of the found pixels.
The lower and upper threshold for the gray values can be set with a slider in an interactive
setup window, which also shows the image with the found pixels marked with the selected
color. To open the interactive window, double-click on the input field for lower or upper
threshold and double-click again on the button that is displayed by the field.
If the starting point is at a place at which the gray value is not in between
Gray low
Gray high
, the resulting centroid is (0,0) and the number of counted pixels is of course 0.
Input Parameters
01 = Source bank
Image bank containing the image to analyze.
02 = Start point X
X coordinate to start evaluation of gray values.
03 = Start point Y
Y coordinate to start evaluation of gray values.
04 = Gray low
Threshold for lower gray value.
05 = Gray high
Threshold for upper gray value.
06 = Color
Select color to mark found pixels. Double-clicking
opens a color table.
07 = Destination bank
Number of image bank to show image with colored
pixels and calculated centroid.
Returned Values
01 = Found pixels
Total number of found pixels between lower and
upper threshold.
02 = X center
X coordinate of calculated centroid.
03 = Y center
Y coordinate of calculated centroid.
Gray High = 243
Gray Low = 74
Starting point
Gray High = 200
Gray Low = 74