Printing From Your Computer
In order to print from your computer, you'll first need to get the right software installed.
Since the machine I use with the Orion is a Windows based PC, these instructions will focus on
that platform. If you're using MacOS, the broad strokes of this section will apply to you.
The software used to send jobs to the printer (among other things!) is called
MatterControl. From now on, I'll refer to it simply as “the host software”, or some cryptic variant
of that.
You can download MatterControl by going to the SeeMeCNC website –
. Scroll down to the “Software” heading and you'll see
the links for MatterControl. Download the version for your platform and install it.
Start MatterControl. Below you'll see what the basic MatterControl interface looks like.
Your colors may be different – I'll show you how you can customize that later on.