Command Reference
User Manual 1173.9670.02 ─ 05
6.1.3 Current and Statistical Results
The R&S
CMW repeats measurements according to the selected statistic count and rep-
etition mode. Consecutive measurement values are stored and used to calculate statis-
tical results, e.g. average, minimum, maximum and standard deviation.
See also: "Statistical Results" in the R&S CMW user manual, chapter "System Overview"
6.1.4 Reliability Indicator
The first value in the output arrays of
FETCh...?, READ...?
queries indicates the most severe error that has occurred during the measurement.
Example for an output array: 0, 10.22, 10.15, 10.01, 10.29, 100 (reliability = 0, followed
by 5 numeric measurement values).
If the preselected slot can not be measured correctly, this results in a reliability indicator
value greater than zero. If there are problems in another slot, but the preselected slot is
measured correctly, the reliability indicator value equals zero.
The reliability indicator has one of the following values:
0 (OK)
Measurement values available, no error detected.
1 (Measurement Timeout)
The measurement has been stopped after the (configurable) measurement timeout.
Measurement results may be available, however, at least a part of the measurement
provides only INValid results or has not completed the full statistic count.
2 (Capture Buffer Overflow)
The measurement configuration results in a capture length exceeding the available
3 (Overdriven) / 4 (Underdriven)
The accuracy of measurement results may be impaired because the input signal level
was too high / too low.
6 (Trigger Timeout)
The measurement could not be started or continued because no trigger event was
7 (Acquisition Error)
The R&S
CMW could not properly decode the RF input signal.
8 (Sync Error)
The R&S
CMW could not synchronize to the RF input signal.
9 (Uncal)
Due to an inappropriate configuration of resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth or
sweep time, the measurement results are not within the specified data sheet limits.
15 (Reference Frequency Error)
The instrument has been configured to use an external reference signal but the ref-
erence oscillator could not be phase locked to the external signal (e.g. signal level
too low, frequency out of range or reference signal not available at all).
16 (RF Not Available)
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