RFL 9785
RFL Electronics Inc.
April 25, 2005
(973) 334-3100
Enter the number for the Time parameter (051) on your terminal or PC keyboard, and then press the
The Time parameter will be displayed, with information about its setting below it.
051 Time 16:21:06
[hh:mm:ss]> _
Type in the current time (in 24-hour “hh:mm:ss format, the seconds are optional), and then press the
The Time parameter will be re-displayed, set to the new value.
051 Time 16:10:00
IRIG-B values will override entry here
Again note the message that the IRIG-B input can override the manually entered time.
Enter the “SV” command to save your new system label:
Example 2: Editing the Channel 1 frequency setting.
Enter the number for the Channel 1 frequency parameter (53) on your terminal or PC keyboard, and
then press the
The Channel 1 frequency parameter will be displayed, with information about its
setting below it.
053 Freq Ch1 (Hz) 170000
[30000 – 537500]> _
Type in the desired frequency (for example: 190000), and then press the
The Channel 1 frequency will be re-displayed, set to the new value.
053 Freq Ch1 (Hz) 190000