Copyright Qvis Labs. All software and documentation rights reserved.
Manual updated February 2016
Click ‘
More Motion Settings
’ to set where on the camera’s field of view the NVR
will detect any motion shown on the camera’s motion sensitivity time line in the
playback interface.
The ‘
IP Camera Motion Region Selection’
window will appear, as shown here:
The camera’s field of view will be completely
selected to start off with, but you can click
the sectors on the grid where you
the NVR to register motion activity
on the camera’s motion sensitivity time line
in the playback interface.
Click on ‘
Accept Changes
’ if you are happy
with your motion detection setup.
IP Cameras: Info
This menu section only lists the details, as reference, for each IP camera connected and
configured to the system. There are no options to change these details within this section.
See next page for the break down explanation.
IP Cameras
Only our professional range of IP cameras will show the level of motion activity on
the motion sensitivity time line in the playback interface. All other cameras including non
QVIS cameras will just display whether motion has been detected or not.