Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 1060/1523
Unicast Poll Timeout
- Specifies the number of seconds to wait for an SNTP response when
configured in unicast mode. Allowed range is (1 to 30). Default value is 5.
Unicast Poll Retry
- Specifies the number of times to retry a request to an SNTP server after the
first time-out before attempting to use the next configured server when configured in unicast mode.
Allowed range is (0 to 10). Default value is 1.
Command Buttons
- Sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
Viewing SNTP Global Status Page
Non-Configurable Data
- Specifies the SNTP Version the client supports.
Supported Mode
- Specifies the SNTP modes the client supports. Multiple modes may be
supported by a client.
Last Update Time
- Specifies the local date and time (UTC) the SNTP client last updated the
system clock.
Last Attempt Time
- Specifies the local date and time (UTC) of the last SNTP request or receipt of
an unsolicited message.
Last Attempt Status
- Specifies the status of the last SNTP request or unsolicited message for both
unicast and broadcast modes. If no message has been received from a server, a status of Other is
displayed. These values are appropriate for all operational modes.
None of the following enumeration values.
- The SNTP operation was successful and the system time was updated.
Request Timed Out
- A directed SNTP request timed out without receiving a response from
the SNTP server.
Bad Date Encoded
- The time provided by the SNTP server is not valid.