Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 881/1523
ipv6 route
Use this command to configure an IPv6 static route. The <ipv6-prefix> is the IPv6 network that is the
destination of the static route. The <prefix_length> is the length of the IPv6 prefix
— a decimal value
(usually 0-64) that shows how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix
(the network portion of the address). A slash mark must precede the <prefix_length>. The
<next-hop-address> is the IPv6 address of the next hop that can be used to reach the specified network.
The <preference> parameter is a value the router uses to compare this route with routes from other
route sources that have the same destination. The range for <preference> is 1 - 255, and the default
value is 1. The interface <slot/port> identifies direct static routes from point-to-point and broadcast
interfaces, and must be specified when using a link-local address as the next hop. A route with a
preference of 255 cannot be used to forward traffic.
ipv6 route <ipv6-prefix>/<prefix_length> {<next-hop-address> [<preference>] | interface {<slot/port> |
tunnel <tunnel-id> | vlan <vlan-id>} <next-hop-address> [<preference>]}
no ipv6 route <ipv6-prefix>/<prefix_length> [{<next-hopaddress> | interface {<slot/port> | tunnel
<tunnel-id> | vlan <vlan-id>} <next-hop-address> | <preference>}]
Use this command to delete an IPv6 static route. Use the command without the optional
parameters to delete all static routes to the specified destination. Use the <preference> parameter to
revert preference of a route to default preference.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config