Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 865/1523
show ipv6 interface port
This command displays the usability status of IPv6 interfaces and whether ICMPv6 Destination
Unreachable messages may be sent.
show ipv6 interface [{ brief | {port <slot/port> | vlan <vlan-id>} [prefix] }]
<slot/port> -
Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes.
<vlan-id> -
VLAN ID. The range of VLAN ID is 1 to 4093.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
If you use the brief parameter, the following information displays for all configured IPv6 interfaces:
Shows the interface in slot/port format.
IPv6 Routing Operational Mode:
Shows whether the mode is enabled or disabled.
IPv6 Address/Length
: Shows the IPv6 address and length on interfaces with IPv6 enabled.
If you specify an interface, the following information also appears.
Routing Mode:
Shows whether IPv6 routing is enabled or disabled.
IPv6 Routing Operational Mode:
Shows whether the operational state of an interface is enabled or
Shows the bandwidth of the interface.
Interface Maximum Transmission Unit:
Shows the MTU size, in bytes.
Router Duplicate Address Detection Transmits:
Shows the number of consecutive duplicate
address detection probes to transmit.
Router Advertisement NS Interval:
Shows the interval, in milliseconds, between router
advertisements for advertised neighbor solicitations.
Router Lifetime Interval:
Shows the router lifetime value of the interface in router advertisements
Router Advertisement Reachable Time:
Shows the amount of time, in milliseconds, to consider a
neighbor reachable after neighbor discovery confirmation.
Router Advertisement Interval:
Shows the frequency, in seconds, that router advertisements are
Router Advertisement Managed Config Flag:
Shows whether the managed configuration flag is
set (enabled) for router advertisements on this interface.