Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 1055/1523
LSA Originate -
This trap signifies that a new LSA has been originated by this router. This trap
should not be invoked for simple refreshes of LSAs(which happens every 30 minutes), but
instead will only be invoked when an LSA is (re)originated due to a topology change.
Additionally, this trap does not include LSAs that are being flushed because they have reached
MaxAge. The factory default is disabled.
LSDB Overflow Traps
LSDB Overflow -
This trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's link-state database
has exceeded OSPF External LSDB Limit. The factory default is disabled.
LSDB Approaching Overflow
- This trap signifies that the number of LSAs in the router's
link-state database has exceeded ninety percent of OSPF External LSDB Limit. The factory
default is disabled.
Retransmit Traps
Retransmit Packets
- This trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been retransmitted on a
non-virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmitted are associated with an LSDB entry.
The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry. The factory default is
Virtual Link Retransmit Packets
- This trap signifies that an OSPF packet has been
retransmitted on a virtual interface. All packets that may be retransmitted are associated with an
LSDB entry. The LS type, LS ID, and Router ID are used to identify the LSDB entry. The factory
default is disabled.
State Change Traps
Interface State Change-
This trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a
non-virtual OSPF interface. This trap should be generated when the interface state regresses
(e.g., goes from DR to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other,
DR, or Backup). The factory default is disabled.
Neighbor State Change
- This trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a
non-virtual OSPF neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses
(e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., 2-Way
or Full). When a neighbor transitions from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access and
broadcast networks, the trap should be generated by the designated router. A designated router
transitioning to Down will be noted by OSPF Interface State Change. The factory default is
Virtual Link Interface State Change
- This trap signifies that there has been a change in the
state of an OSPF virtual interface. This trap should be generated when the interface state
regresses (e.g., goes from Point-to-Point to Down) or progresses to a terminal state (i.e.,
Point-to-Point). The factory default is disabled.
Virtual Neighbor State Change
- This trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of
an OSPF virtual neighbor. This trap should be generated when the neighbor state regresses
(e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g., Full).
The factory default is disabled.
Command Buttons
- Update the switch with the values on the screen. If you want the switch to retain the new
values across a power cycle you must perform a save.