Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 1152/1523
- Update the switch with the values you entered. If you want the switch to retain the new
values across a power cycle you must perform a save.
Viewing GARP Information Page
This screen shows the GARP Status for the switch and for the individual ports. Note that the timers are
only relevant when the status for a port shows as enabled.
Non-Configurable Data
Switch GVRP
- Indicates whether the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol administrative mode for
this switch is enabled or disabled. The factory default is disabled.
Switch GMRP
- Indicates whether the GARP Multicast Registration Protocol administrative mode for
this switch, enabled or disabled. The factory default is disabled.
- Slot/Port of the interface.
Port GVRP Mode
- Indicates whether the GVRP administrative mode for the port is enabled or
disabled. The factory default is disabled.
Port GMRP Mode
- Indicates whether the GMRP administrative mode for the port is enabled or
disabled. The factory default is disabled.
Join Time (centiseconds)
- Specifies the time between the transmission of GARP PDUs registering
(or re-registering) membership for a VLAN or multicast group in centiseconds. An instance of this