Layer 2/3/4 Managed Switch
User’s Guide 1513/1523
ETS SAN Weight
- Set ETS SAN Weight. The system's default ETS SAN Weight is 50. The valid
ETS SAN Weight range is 1 to 99, and ETS LAN Weight plus ETS SAN Weight must equal to 100.
Non-Configurable Data
Queue ID
- Specifies the queue priority ID.
Command Buttons
- Send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect
immediately. These changes will not be retained across a power cycle unless a save is performed.
Viewing Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) interface status
Non-Configurable Data
- The list of ETS configurable interfaces.
Admin Mode
- admin mode of specific interface.
Scheduler Type
- scheduler type of specific interface.
ETS LAN Weight
- LAN Weight of specific interface.
ETS SAN Weight
- SAN Weight of specific interface.
Queue in LAN Priority Group
- List of queues in LAN priority group.
Queue in SAN Priority Group
- List of queues in SAN priority group.
Queue in IPC Priority Group
- List of queues in IPC priority group.