6. Compare the measured belt tension to the second stage drive belt tension specification.
System Component
Second Stage Belt Drive Tension - New
110-120 lbs (50- 54.4 kgs)
Second Stage Belt Drive Tension - Used
92 - 105 lbs (43 - 47.6 kgs)
Note: New belt tension applies to new belt first time installations. Used belt tension
applies to reinstalling an existing belt or re-tensioning an existing used belt.
7. If the tension is not within the specified Limits, do the following tension adjustment steps
to bring the tension within specification:
a. Remove the belt tension gauge.
: The belt tension gauge must be removed while making ten-
sion adjustments or the measurement will be invalid.
b. Make a small incremental adjustment to the 1/2" Second Stage Belt Tensioner
bolt as needed (loosen or tighten) to bring the belt tension into specification.
: Belt tension adjustment is an iterative process, only make small
tension changes per adjustment. Be careful to NOT over tension the
belt, which could result in damaging the belt or pulley hardware.
Contact Precor Customer Support at [email protected] or 800.786.8404 with
any questions.
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5 Adjustment Procedures
Second Stage Drive Belt Tension Adjustment