The base Lower PCA (
) receives machine control commands from the console and dir-
ectly executes the commands to control the braking, lift operation, and power ON/OFF. The
LPCA also monitors error conditions and sends the detected error event code information to
the console.
The LPCA makes use of two main processors: the Master (also referred to interchangeably as
“Major”) and Slave (also as “Minor”).
Communication Interface Cable
to base LPCA communication interface cable wiring diagram.
Generator/Brake system
The EFX800-16 base generator/brake system has changed from previous generation EFXs
and now uses a generator/brake system similar to the AMT machines.
Active Status Light (ASL)
Lower printed circuit assembly; generally this refers to the lower board. On treadmills, this is
the motor controller unit (MCU), and on self-powered units, it is the main board in the lower
Upper PCA board
Contact Precor Customer Support at [email protected] or 800.786.8404 with
any questions.
Page 203
9 Theory of Operation
System Component Overview