The wing and horizontal tail de-ice boots are activated from the ICE PROTECTION switch
panel by the switch labeled BOOTS being pushed to either 3MIN or 1MIN. 3MIN is to be
selected in icing conditions with moderate ice accretion rates as judged by the aircrew. 1MIN
is to be selected in icing conditions with high ice accretion rates. When activated in either
1MIN or 3MIN mode and operating correctly, the green ICE PROTECTION caption BOOTS
will be continuously illuminated. If a system failure occurs when activated, the green BOOTS
caption will go off and the CAS
De Ice Boots
caption will be illuminated and an aural gong
will sound.
The engine inertial separator is activated to its open (icing encounter) position from the ICE
PROTECTION switch panel by the switch labeled INERT SEP being pushed to OPEN. Once
activated the inertial separator door will reach its fully open position in approximately 30
seconds and the green ICE PROTECTION caption INERT SEP will be continuously
illuminated. If the door does not reach its fully open position or moves away from its fully open
position when still selected, the green INERT SEP caption will go off and the CAS caption
Inertial Separator
will be illuminated and an aural gong will sound.
The LH side and RH side windshield deice is activated from the ICE PROTECTION switch
panel by two switches labeled LH WSHLD and RH WSHLD respectively, being pushed to
either LIGHT or HEAVY depending on the severity of the icing encounter.
Deicing of all probes, AOA (vane and mounting plate), pitot and static, is activated from the
ICE PROTECTION switch panel by a switch labeled PROBES being pushed to ON. If deicing
of the left pitot or right pitot probes fails when selected, then either the CAS caption
Pitot 1
Pitot 2 Heat
will be illuminated and an aural gong will sound. If the static ports fail
Static Heat
caption will be illuminated and an aural gong will sound. If deicing of the
AOA probes fails when selected, then the CAS caption
AOA De Ice
will be illuminated and
an aural gong will sound.
When the propeller de-ice is selected to ON and the inertial separator selected to OPEN, the
stall protection system, stick pusher/shaker system is re-datumed to provide both shake and
push functions at lower angles of attack and higher speeds. This is to protect against the
natural stall through the effects of residual ice on the protected surfaces of the airfoil leading
edges. When the system is in the re-datum mode, the aircrew are alerted by illumination of
the green ICE PROTECTION caption PUSHER ICE MODE. Failure of the system in ice mode
will result in the caption being extinguished and the CAS caption
will be illuminated
and an aural gong will sound.
Night time flight in icing conditions is only authorized with full operational status of all the
aircraft de-icing systems above, plus the wing inspection light.
The wing inspection light is activated from the overhead EXTERNAL LIGHTS switch panel by
the switch labeled WING being moved to on. No functional or failure indications are provided.
A full description of all of the de-ice systems, their switch terminology and caution and
warning logic is provided in Section 7, Airplane and Systems Description,
The probes de-ice should be selected to on, prior to, and during all flights.
Section 4 - Normal Procedures (EASA Approved)
Flight in Icing Conditions
Pilot's Operating Handbook
Report No: 02406
Issue date: Mar 06, 2020
Page 4-24-3