This aircraft has been evaluated in accordance with JAA Administrative and Guidance
Material, Section One, General Part 3, Temporary Guidance Leaflet No.6, Revision 1 and FAA
document No. 91-RVSM, change 2 and is qualified for RVSM operations as a group aircraft.
Airworthiness Approval alone does not authorize flight into airspace for which an RVSM
Operational Approval is required by an ICAO regional navigation agreement. Operational
Approval must be obtained in accordance with applicable operating rules.
The following equipment must be operational to enter RVSM airspace:
Both ADC channels of ADAHRS KSG 7200 (channel 1 & 2)
One (1) flight controller KMC 9200 with altitude preselector
One (1) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) with altitude hold
One (1) altitude reporting transponder KXP 2290.
The ESIS does not meet RVSM performance requirements and shall only be used for
emergency procedures.
The RVSM option in the PRIMUS APEX option file has to be activated. Contact Pilatus
customer support for further proceeding.
Primus Apex - TCAS
2-21-14.1 TCAS I
The flight crew must not use a TA on the PFD traffic display to initiate evasive maneuvering.
ATC procedures and visual acquisition of the intruder prior to initiation of evasive maneuvers
must continue to be the primary means of ensuring aircraft separation.
2-21-14.2 TCAS II (optional)
When an RA occurs, the pilot flying shall respond immediately to RA displays and aural alerts,
manoeuvring as indicated, unless doing so would jeopardize the safe operation of the aircraft.
Visually acquired traffic may not be the same traffic causing an RA. The visual perception
of an encounter may be misleading, particularly at night.
Section 2 - Limitations (EASA Approved)
Pilot's Operating Handbook
Report No: 02406
Issue date: Dec 18, 2020
Page 2-21-6