4 Operation
NetPath 100 User’s Manual - Installation Guide
The SNMP Trap Manager Configuration screen allows you to view and alter parame-
ters for the SNMP Trap Manager operations.
The SNMP Trap Manager Configuration screen is shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11 SNMP Trap Manager Configuration Screen
Occurrences of any Traps (unless disabled), will be sent to all Trap Managers defined,
including Traps sent Out-of-Band (dial-out) using the NetPath 100 internal modem.
Out-of-Band Traps, however, will only be sent provided the modem is not already in
use when the trap occurs.
1. Mgr # n (1-6) - Parameters to be selected for each Trap Manager are as follows:
Each Trap Manager defined will be sent a copy of each Trap (alarm) that occurs.
The Loss-of-Power (cry-for-help) Trap will only be sent to the First
Trap Manager defined. This Trap Manager should be defined with
a WAN or Payload IP Address to ensure receipt of this trap. A CPE
IP Address defined Trap Manager will probably not receive this
Trap, due to this message passing through other CPE
equipment affected by the loss-of-power.
IP Add - Sets the IP Address for each Trap Manager designated to receive Traps.
Name - 32-character string that identifies the Trap Manager.
Path - Selects WAN (W) or Payload/CPE (P) as the management path for sending
traps to the corresponding Trap Manager.
*********************** SNMP Trap Manager Configuration ************************
Name: F@43802
Mgr ------ IP Address ----- ---------------- Name ---------------- ---- Path ---
#1 [T1=]: [N1=]: [P1=WorP]:WAN
#2 [T2=]: [N2=]: [P2=WorP]:WAN
#3 [T3=]: [N3=]: [P3=WorP]:WAN
#4 [T4=]: [N4=]: [P4=WorP]:P/C
#5 [T5=]: [N5=]: [P5=WorP]:P/C
#6 [T6=]: [N6=]: [P6=WorP]:P/C
NOTE: Each Name & IP entry must be made individually.
Disable Traps [B=] ([B=m,n,...r] and/or [B=m-n] for multiple disables)
>> 1)Authen Fail<< 7)Netw Thresh 13)ContactSense 19)ISDN Backup
2)CSU LineFail 8)User Thresh 14)BECN/FECN 20)ISDN Demand
3)CSU Thresh 9)DTR Loss 15)IsdnAdptFail 21)PVCDrpdThres
4)CSU Failure 10)DtePowerLoss 16)IsdnLineFail 22)PVCDlvdThres
5)LMI NetwFail 11)Modem Fail 17)PVCDly Thresh 23)PVCAvailable
6)LMI UserFail 12)DialLineFail 18)Login Fail 24)PVCUnavail
Clear Holdoff [H=#]: 5 Terminate Delay [D=#]: 45
1 thru 15 minutes 1 thru 120 seconds
Help[?] Save[SA] Cancel[X]