FP2 Analog Unit
14 - 7
14.2 Table of Input/Output Contact Allocation
14.2 Table of Input/Output Contact Allocation
CPU unit with analog I/O
FP2 I/O Number
Analog input
Ch 0
WX0: X0 to XF
g p
Ch 1
WX1: X10 to X1F
Ch 2
WX2: X20 to X2F
Ch 3
WX3: X30 to X3F
Analog output
Ch 0
WY4: Y40 to Y4F
Analog input unit
FP2 I/O Number
Analog input
Ch 0
WX(n): X(n)0 to X(n)F
g p
Ch 1
WX(n+1): X(n+1)0 to X(n+1)F
Ch 2
WX(n+2): X(n+2)0 to X(n+2)F
Ch 3
WX(n+3): X(n+3)0 to X(n+3)F
Ch 4
WX(n+4): X(n+4)0 to X(n+4)F
Ch 5
WX(n+5): X(n+5)0 to X(n+5)F
Ch 6
WX(n+6): X(n+6)0 to X(n+6)F
Ch 7
WX(n+7): X(n+7)0 to X(n+7)F
Analog output unit
FP2 I/O Number
Analog output
Ch 0
WY(n): Y(n)0 to Y(n)F
Ch 1
WY(n+1): Y(n+1)0 to Y(n+1)F
Ch 2
WY(n+2): Y(n+2)0 to Y(n+2)F
Ch 3
WY(n+3): Y(n+3)0 to Y(n+3)F
The I/O number shown by an “n” in the table above is determined according to the
installed slot position and the I/O allocation for other units.
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