FP2 Analog Unit
Analog I/O Conversion Characteristics and Conversion Cycle Time
6 - 14
Analog Input and Output Conversion Cycle Time
Example of conversion cycle time calculation 2
Ch0 thermocouple K
Ch1 thermocouple J
Ch3 thermocouple J
Ch4 not used
Ch5 not used
Ch6 thermocouple J
Ch7 not used
Number of input channels used: n1 = 5
Number of gain types: n2 = 2
Number of temperature input channels: n3 = 4
Ch2 (
10V) conversion cycle time = (0.5
5 + 2
2 + 3
1 = 18.5ms
Ch0 (thermocouple K) conversion cycle time = (0.5
5 + 2
2 + 3
30 = 555ms
The conversion cycle time when setting the range for each analog input channel was
explained above; however, the conversion cycle time when the ranges for all channels
are set together by the DIP switches can be determined by the formula below.
Conversion cycle time
= set range conversion speed
number of input channels used
(number of input channels set
for execution of conversion
Analog Output Conversion Cycle Time
The analog output conversion cycle time can be determined by the formula below.
Conversion cycle time
= conversion speed (0.5ms)
number of output channels used
(number of output channels set
for execution of conversion
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