FP2 Analog Unit
Initial Settings
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5.1 Analog Input Initial Settings
Analog Input Offset Changing Setting
Specifies the digital value for the offset amount for each input channel.
Between the range K-2048 to K2047 can be set as the digital value for the offset amount;
however, the range that can be obtained for the analog input conversion value that the
offset is applied to is limited to between K-32768 and K32767.
Program example:
When the applied offsets are ch0: K0 (no offset), ch1: K3, ch2: K10, and ch3: K20
F151 WRT, K0 , DT 0 , K4 , K30
Shared memory address 30 is head address
DT0 = K0
DT1 = K3
DT2 = K10
DT3 = K20
When the analog input
unit is installed at slot 0
Initial setting
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