FP2 Analog Unit
Functions and Restrictions
1 - 5
1.3 Data Processing Functions
Data Processing Functions
Analog Input
For analog input, there is the “General sampling function,” “Averaging function,” and
“Offset changing function.”
General Sampling Function
The analog input values are converted point by point and the digital values are stored
in converted value area (input contact area).
Averaging Function
From the data sampled according to the number of times set in the shared memory, the
average value of the data (excluding the maximum and minimum values) is stored in
the conversion value area (input contact area). If the number of times is 2 or less, or
outside of the allowable range (65 or more), the general sampling function is used.
The time for the average value to be stored in the conversion value area changes
drastically depending on the number of inputs used, the used input range, and the
average number of times.
For detailed information
section 6.3
Offset Changing Function
The conversion data for the all ranges of the input channels is offset by the amount set
in the shared memory (range: -2048 to +2047) and stored in the conversion value area
(input contact area).
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