M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
Page 389
ISO Mode
Brief instruction 808D Milling
Operating and Programming — Milling
Basic Theory
Make sure the current system is in ISO mode!
Make sure all preparations and safety measures have been performed!
Step 5
Sample program
N10 G291
N20 T1M6
N30 G0G54G90G40
N40 M3S1200F200
N50 G43H1Z50
N60 G0X0Y-70
N70 Z5M8
N80 G1Z-5
N90 G01G41X20D1
N100 G03X0Y-50R20
N120 G1X-50,R10
N130 Y50,R10
N140 X50,R10
N150 Y-50,R10
N160 X40
N170 X0
N180 G03X-20Y-70R20
N190 G1G40X0
N200 G0Z50
N210 T2M6
N220 M3S3000F100
N230 G43H2Z50
N240 G0X40Y-40
N250 Z20
N260 G81Z-2R10
N270 Y40
N290 X-40
N300 Y-40
N310 G80
N320 G0Z50
N330 T3M6
N340 M3S3000F100
N350 G43H3Z50
N360 G73Z-20R10Q5
N370 Y40
N380 Y-40
N390 X40
N400 Y40
N410 G80
N420 G0G40G90G49Z100
N430 M09
N440 G290
N450 M30
ISO programs can be executed in the 808D as follows:
Note: This program opens/exits ISO mode
with the G291/G290 command. It is
recommended to use the first method to
open ISO mode — using the ISO mode
active button on the PPU (described above)