Version 1.1.2 dated 2019-05-07
Page 272
Translation of the original instructions
F80 | F105
M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
Automatic programming:
By means of the CAD/CAM program (for instance a 3D-CAD program including downstream
co-processor) construction data are transmitted (semi-)automatically to an executable pro-
gram. For this kind of programming a 3D model is designed using a PC. By means of an oper-
ating sequence which is predefined by the user the motion-sequence of the machine are being
calculated. These programs are accessing the tool data base which includes all tool parameters
(speed, feed, diameter, etc.). Due to this systematic program structure the user is able to create
complete programs within shortest time without having any knowledge of the individual program
commands and its syntax.
DIN Code and ISO Code:
Use the procedure for switching or activating the programming language in the manual opera-
tion and programming of the "SINUMERIK 808D".
Start program
Adjusting the dosing for the coolant supply on the spindle head before starting the program.
Any change in the dosing must only be performed during the setup operation. The requirement
of coolant supply is switched on over your CNC- programs.
Never change the dosing of the cooling lubricant supply and never seize into the
machine when a program is running.
Before starting the programs you have to close the sliding door of the separating
protective equipment.
Completely close the separating protective equipment.
Change over to the mode "AUTO/MDA"
For the following working steps, please proceed as described in „Operation and
programming“ of the Siemens "SINUMERIK 808D" Operation instructions.