On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc.
NetDVMS 6.5f User Manual
How to ...
Field, Check
Box, Button
another port number.
Used when adding a new NetMatrix recipient or editing the
properties of an existing one.
Specify the password to be used when communicating with the
NetMatrix recipient.
NetMatrix-triggered live video may also be displayed in NetDVMS
users' Ocularis Client Lite or NetGuard-EVS. If Ocularis Client Lite or
NetGuard-EVS is used, distribution of the NetMatrix-triggered live
video takes place slightly differently.
Select check box if the NetMatrix recipient in question is using
Ocularis Client Lite or NetGuard-EVS.
Removes any content in the Name, Address, Port, Password and
NetGuard-EVS fields.
Available only if you have edited the properties of an existing
NetMatrix recipient.
Updates the properties of the selected NetMatrix recipient with the
changes made during editing.
Available only if you have added properties of a new NetMatrix
recipient in the Name, Address, Port, Password, and possibly
NetGuard-EVS fields.
Adds the new NetMatrix recipient to the list.
Event Tab
There are two ways in which NetMatrix-triggered video can appear in a NetMatrix recipient:
Another user wants to share important video, and sends it to the required NetMatrix
recipient from a NetGuard-EVS, or from a custom-made web page
Video is sent to the required NetMatrix recipient automatically when a predefined
event occurs
The Event tab is used for configuring the automatic sending of live video based on predefined
events; it lets you define exactly which events and cameras to use. You define this on a per-
NetMatrix recipient basis.
To define what should happen on which NetMatrix recipient when an event occurs, do the