On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc.
NetDVMS 6.5f User Manual
Video Clients
Follow the wizard's instructions to complete the installation.
.NET Framework Verification
.NET Framework version 1.1.4322 must be installed on the server in order to be able to run the
NetPDA/NetCell Server.
Note that later versions of .NET Framework may also be present on the server. If .NET Framework 1.1
as well as one or more later versions are present on the server, Windows' default settings may cause
a later .NET Framework version to be used instead of .NET Framework 1.1.4322.
To verify/change which .NET Framework version is used, do the following:
Click Start, and select Control Panel.
Click Administrative Tools.
Click Internet Information Services.
In the Internet Information Services window's left pane, locate and right-click the Default Web
Site item:
Example only; content on
your server may be different
In the resulting menu, select Properties. This will open the Default Web Site Properties dialog.
Select the dialog's ASP.NET tab.
The .NET Framework version in use will be indicated in the ASP.NET version field.