Current Limit Detection (9: CLIMIT; Setup Parameter Cn-01 Bit No. 4 = 1)
When the forward current limit (PCL) and the reverse current limit (NCL) are input, this signal is out-
put when the Servomotor’s output torque reaches the lower of the two following torque limit values:
the torque limit value set for user parameters Cn-18, -19 (forward/reverse rotation external current
limit) or the torque limit value set for user parameters Cn-08, -09 (forward/reverse rotation torque
Alarm Output/Alarm Output Ground (34/35: ALM/ALMCOM)
When the Servo Driver detects an error, outputs are turned OFF. At that time, an alarm code (see below)
is output according to the contents of the error. This output is OFF at the time of powering up, and turns
ON when the power-up processing is completed.
Alarm Code Outputs 1 to 3 and Alarm Code Output Ground (30, 31, 32, 33: AL01 to
AL03 and 33: ALOCOM)
When a Servo Driver error is generated, the contents of the error are output in 3-bit code. For details,
refer to
4-3-1 Alarm Displays and Alarm Code Outputs.
Encoder A-, B-, and Z-phase Outputs (20, 21: +A, -A; 23, 22: +B, -B, 24, 25: +Z, -Z)
Servomotor encoder signals are output as divided phase-difference pulses according to the user pa-
rameter encoder divider rate setting (Cn-0A). The output form is line driver output, and conforms to EIA-
RS-422A. Receive with a line receiver or high-speed photocoupler.
Output Phase (When Encoder Divider Rate Setting is 2,048)
Forward Rotation Side
Reverse Rotation Side
Chapter 5