Setting the Confocal Aperture/
Confocal Aperture Setting
3 - 6
3. Click the <SU Control> button. When the [Optical System Configuration] window
is displayed, set the excitation DM and the spectral BS of the channel you want to
set the confocal aperture. (For the display, see step 2.)
Set the spectral BSs of the channels closer to the excitation DM than
the adjusted channel (on the left side of the adjusted channel in
the screen) to “Glass”. As the channel shown at the rightmost position
in the [DMs & Filters] checkbox in the [Optical System
Configuration] window does not have the spectral BS, it is
simply required to set the spectral BSs of all channels to “Glass”
when adjusting the confocal aperture of the rightmost channel.
This makes it possible to increase the detection light intensity.
4. In the [DMs & Filters in SU] group box in the [Optical System Configuration]
window, set the barrier filter of the channel you want to set the confocal aperture
to “Empty. (If you want adjustment using a fluorescence specimen, cut the
excitation wavelength and set the barrier filter for absorbing the fluorescence.)
(For the display, see step 2.)
5. Click the <500> button in the [Set C.A. Diameter] group box in the [C.A.
Adjustment] dialog box..
6. Click the <XY Repeat> button on the upper part of the [Acquire] panel to
started repeated image scanning.
[Set C.A.
Diameter] group box
Select the
aperture diameter.