The INVU™ App
Starting a Monitoring Session
Nuvo Group Ltd.
Adjust the INVU Sensor Band
to your size
It’s important to make the
size adjustments before applying the gel to avoid smearing.
Hold the INVU Sensor Band
to your belly and close the back buckle. If the back
buckles don’t meet, slide them away from the side plastic pods to loosen the band
before buckling it.
Tighten the band by pulling one back strap and then the other.
Now that the back strap is your size, you can remove the band.
Figure 6-25. Adjust to your size instructions
You don’t need to perform this step every time you initiate a session, only when you
feel your INVU Sensor Band
doesn’t fit your size.
Apply gel to the detachable sensors
Apply gel to 8 detachable sensors. Using the gel provided with your band, fill the
center notch of each detachable sensor.
Do not apply gel to any of the large metallic sensors!