Invu by Nuvo™
User Manual
Using the INVU Sensor Band™
Using the
INVU Sensor Band™
Applying the
INVU Sensor Band™
Follow the INVU App instructions before your monitoring session or training. The instructions flow
appears before your monitoring session begins. You can access the instructions at any time via the
App’s Help screen.
Tips for proper band wearing
Using a damp cloth with soap and water, clean your belly to remove any residual oil
or lotion from your skin. Dry your belly completely with a towel.
Release all 4 front straps before applying the band.
Release each strap by opening its buckle and pulling the bottom strap part. Leave the
buckles open when done.
Attach the eight detachable sensors and apply the provided gel to these sensors.
The lateral plastic pods should be on each side of your torso as far back as possible.
Place the band’s upper and lower straps as far apart from each other as they’ll go.
The upper one should be below your breasts and the lower one under your belly as
low as possible.
All the sensors should be snugly touching your skin. Tighten the back and four front
Make sure all buckles are securely fastened.
Figure 5-1
. Front strap’s location
Figure 5-2
. Lateral sensor’s location