Invu by Nuvo™
User Manual
The INVU™ App
Figure 6-10. Getting Ready
Make sure your phone’s volume is up, as the session preparation screens
voice narration. Listening will help you understand the instructions fully.
Figure 6-11. All set
After you completed your training, you will be able to initiate a clinical monitoring
session from the app home screen as described in section 6.5.
: You will need to
wait a while between one training session to another. It’s recommended to take
off the band and start the preparation process again. This way, you can practice
putting on your band and getting ready for monitoring again.
You may initiate additional training sessions from the Help and support menu. If the
number of allowed training sessions reaches its limit, a relevant notification is shown.
Please contact Nuvo’s customer service
if additional training is required.
Press to start the
training session