Invu by Nuvo™
User Manual
INVU by Nuvo™
System is a prescription-based device and the associated module system, which
includes the
INVU Sensor Band™
, mobile application (
App), INVU Pro web application and the
data analysis and cloud application services (hereafter "
INVU by Nuvo™
"), should only be used in the
manner specifically set forth in this user manual and/or in the safety information sheet that is supplied
by Nuvo Group Ltd. ("Nuvo Group") together with the
INVU by Nuvo™
product. Use of
INVU by Nuvo™
in a manner not expressly described in this user manual (which may be updated from time to time by
Nuvo Group) may lead to improper product performance, the potential for hazard, and will void all
warranties of any kind that are extended by Nuvo Group in connection therewith. The safety,
reliability, and performance of
INVU by Nuvo™
can only be assured under the following conditions: (i)
The device has been used for its indicated use (see Indications for Use in this User Manual), (ii) this
device has only been used in accordance with the operating instructions contained in this User
Manual, (iii) all fittings, extensions, readjustments, changes, or repairs required for use of INVU by
have solely and exclusively been carried out by a Nuvo Group authorized representative, (iv)
the user has been registered at Nuvo Group.
For medical questions, please consult a physician, and in the case of a medical emergency,
immediately contact your local emergency services provider.
Neither Nuvo Group nor any of its principals, directors, employees, affiliates, representatives and
assigns shall be responsible in any way for any physical harm and/or property damage arising from the
operation or use of either the
INVU by Nuvo™
or this user manual, other than as expressly stated in
the applicable limited warranty (which is contained in the INVU by Nuvo
User Agreement) or as
mandated by applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, Nuvo Group makes no warranty of any
kind in regard to this user manual, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, Nuvo Group shall not be liable for
errors contained in this user manual or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with
the furnishing or use of any material contained within this user manual.
Accordingly, the content in this user manual does not and will not form part of any contract between
Nuvo Group and any user of
INVU by Nuvo™
. No person has the authority to bind Nuvo Group to any
representation or warranty except as either specifically set forth above and/or in the
INVU by Nuvo™
User Agreement.
The content of this user manual has been compiled for information purposes only and is subject to
change by Nuvo Group without notice. Any modifications and amendments hereto will be deemed
included in subsequent versions of
INVU by Nuvo™
user manual. In addition, the content in this user
manual does not purport to cover all details or variations of
INVU by Nuvo™
and does not address
every possible contingency in regard to the use of
INVU by Nuvo™
This user manual contains proprietary information that is protected by international copyright. No
part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated without the prior written
consent of Nuvo Group.
INVU by Nuvo™
is protected by the following patents: US 9392952, US
9572504, US 9642544 and patents pending: 20160270685, 20160270675. Any unauthorized use of
any information and content from the
INVU by Nuvo™
user manual is illegal, and violators will be
prosecuted by Nuvo Group.
Please read this user manual thoroughly and feel free to contact our product support team with any
questions via the support chat in the app or at
1-800-554-9041 (USA only).