Settings Guidelines
OmniPage Pro Settings - 88
As much as possible
Keep font characteristics,
paragraph formatting, side-by-side
columns, and graphic positioning
You can choose to remove
frames when you export your
document to your word
processor. If you remove
frames, text will flow among
columns and OmniPage Pro
maintains the overall layout of
your document, such as
column and graphic-element
placement. This format is
useful if you want to edit but
also want to maintain the
formatting of your document.
Using frames locks the position
of text blocks.
Make sure all parts of the page are included
within zones and identified as the correct
zone type.
See Specifying Zone Types on page 31.
Select True Page as the style set for the page.
See Applying Styles to Zones on page 93.
Select the fonts you want mapped to various
font types. See Font Mapping on page 100.
Save the recognized document to a file format
that supports frame formatting.
Recommended formats are marked with a TP
in the Format pop-up menu in the Save As
dialog box. See Saving a Document as You
Work on page 50.
Please refer to your applications
documentation to get information on working
with frames.
Experiment with different export file formats to
see which one works best in your target
Formatting is not retained if you save to a file
format, such as ASCII Text.
Frames and True Page
The True Page style set uses frames to match
the page layout of the original. Recognized
text and graphics get put into frames
(formatting boxes), and positions are defined
as of elements of the page.
Without frames, each element is placed
sequentially down a page. A two-column
image is reproduced as a left column followed
by a right column. With frames, however, the
frames appear side by side, as in the image.
You can export recognized test in the True
Page style only if the target application
recognizes frame formatting. This is indicated
by the letters TP before their format names in
the Save As... dialog box.
How much formatting do you want to keep?