Apple Event Support
Technical Information - 127
A Sample Script
You can use Apple’s Script Editor to control OmniPage Pro via Apple
Events. This is an example script to get you started. This script assumes
you have a TIFF file called Test TIFF on your hard disk called HD.
tell application "OmniPage Pro 8.0"
-- Output format is MacWrite Pro
set output format to "MacWrite Pro"
-- Output file should be called Output Doc
set output file to "HD:Output Doc"
-- Create a job to recognize the TIFF "Test TIFF"
-- If OmniPage Pro isn’t busy, it will
-- immediately start the job.
load and ocr "HD:Test TIFF"
end tell
If the input was a page on the scanner flatbed rather than a TIFF file, the
correct command would be:
-- Create a job to scan and recognize pages
scan and ocr