Notes on handling the product
6. Focusing
Never turn the focus knobs on the left and right sides of the product in opposite directions at the
same time. Doing so may damage the product.
Turning the coarse focus knob past its farthest point will damage the product. Never use undue force
when turning the knob.
7. Protect the ports from dust and extraneous light (when the trinocular eyepiece tube or the C-TE
ergonomic binocular tube is attached).
To keep out extraneous light and dust, always attach the supplied cap to any port not currently in use.
8. Handling of filters (when J-FL 50i55i Epi-fluorescence attachment is attached to the product)
Interference filters (especially excitation filters, which are exposed to strong light) degrade over time.
Replace them after the appropriate number of hours.
Filter characteristics may alter if the filter is exposed to high humidity. To prevent changes in or
degradation of filter characteristics, avoid using or storing the filters under conditions of high humidity
or high temperature. Avoid subjecting filters to rapid temperature changes. When a filter is not in use,
store in a desiccator or hermetically sealed container with a drying agent.
The filters in the nine types of filter cubes listed below offer sharp, high-resolution waveform
characteristics superior to normal filters. However, due to their sophisticated coatings, they must be
handled with special care. In particular, take care to avoid abrasion from cleaning. (Follow the
procedure described in section "1. Filter and lens cleaning" of chapter "7. Care and Maintenance.")
Single-band filter cubes: DAPI, FITC, TxRed, GFP
Multi-band filter cubes: F-R, F-T, D-F, D-F-R, D-F-T