This routine performs an auto calibration sequence on both channels. The
calibration sequence measures the amplifier offsets at all gain settings. These
measurements are stored and subtracted from subsequent measurements.
Acquisition is suspended during auto calibration and no other remote com-
mands will be processed until the auto calibration sequence is complete.
<number> represents the integer 0. This return value is generated when
autocalibration is complete.
Related Commands:
Clear Status
Parameters: None
This command clears the Standard Event Status register, device event regis-
ter, and the error queue. As a result of this command the status byte is
cleared except for the message available bit (bit 4). Because this command
does not clear the input and output buffers the MAV bit will not be affected.
The *CLS command also cancels any outstanding *OPC and OPC? commands.
Related Commands:
Error Query
Returns (and removes) oldest error message from the error queue. The error
message is made up of an error code and a text description of the error (see
the Appendix B). A maximum of 10 errors can be stored in the queue. If no
errors are stored in the queue, a message to that effect will be returned.
Errors that occur due to commands and queries sent from the RS-232 inter-
face will be stored in the queue only if the echo mode is disabled. When the
echo mode is enabled the error mes-sages are automatically returned to the
user when the error occurs. See Appendix B for a description of the error
messages. The command *CLS will clear the error queue.
<errno> is of type <number> and represents a negative integer error code.
<description> is of type <string> in double quote format, and describes the
error. See the appendix for a list of possible error messages.
Related Commands:
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