Entering Remote Computer Interface Mode
When a command or query is received by the GPIB or RS-232 interface ports,
the 2835-C automatically goes into remote interface mode. The message area
on the display will indicate which remote port received the command.
While in remote mode, the keypad is disabled except for the power and
<(LOCAL)> key. To get out of remote mode press the <(LOCAL)> key. If the
2835-C is in local lockout then the LLO remote command must be used to
disable local lockout before you will be able to return to keypad control.
The message area of the display will indicate when the keypad is in locallock
out state.
RS-232C Communication
Before communicating with the 2835-C through the RS-232 port, proper cable
connections must be made. Figure 17 shows the cable connections for
communicating with the RS-232C port on the 2835-C.
Once cable connections are made, the baud rate and echo mode need to be
set. Valid baud rates are 19.2K, 9600, 4800, 2400, and 1200. The parity, data
bits, and stop bits are fixed at no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.
RS-232C Parameters
Baud Rate
19.2K, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200
Data bits
Stop bits
When the echo mode is enabled the 2835-C generates a ‘> ‘ prompt for every
new line and all characters sent to the 2835-C are echoed back over the
interface. Error messages are reported over the interface immediately. As the
user is entering commands the line may be edited by using the backspace key
(sending an ASCII decimal 08 code) or by using the DEL key (sending an ASCII
decimal 127 code).
In echo mode the RS-232C port is interactive and especially useful when a
dumb terminal type of device is used to communicate with the 2835-C.
When echo mode is disabled (normal mode) the 2835-C does not generate a
prompt or echo characters back over the interface. Error messages must be
accessed by using the *ERR? query. This is the default state of the echo mode.
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